Orland Broadband Committee
at the
Orland Community Center (OCC)
21 Schoolhouse Road, Orland, ME
This free class, CUTTNG THE CORD will be held MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 2024 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm at the Orland Community Center, 21 Schoolhouse Road, Orland, sponsored by the Orland Broadband Committee, the National Digital Equity Center (NDEC) and Island Institute. This is an interactive class where participants will learn about the wide variety of options to watch TV online and "cancelling" cable or satellite services, and also learn about some tools to decide if cutting the cord is right for you. Refreshments will be served!
To pre-register and for more information, contact [email protected] , or go to digitalequitycenter.org/classes/region/hancock-county/ and scroll down to the class and click "register". You can also arrive a bit early and register on-site.
To pre-register and for more information, contact [email protected] , or go to digitalequitycenter.org/classes/region/hancock-county/ and scroll down to the class and click "register". You can also arrive a bit early and register on-site.
To Enroll or Find a Class in the Area (Hancock County)
Go to: https://digitalequitycenter.org/
1. Enroll
a. Select Take a Class - Enroll
2. Find a Class
a. Select Take a Class - NDEC Maine - View Classes by Region (select Hancock County) and you're here.
i. https://digitalequitycenter.org/classes/region/hancock-county/
Go to: https://digitalequitycenter.org/
1. Enroll
a. Select Take a Class - Enroll
2. Find a Class
a. Select Take a Class - NDEC Maine - View Classes by Region (select Hancock County) and you're here.
i. https://digitalequitycenter.org/classes/region/hancock-county/